I Hope we remember our resilient grandparents and great grandparents, who got through World War I, the Spanish Flu, the Great Depression and World War II during the early-mid 1900’s.
I Hope we remain resilient for a few months, to help save 1,000s and 1000’s of lives.
I Hope we remain patient and calm, yet confident and full of Hope.
I Hope we truly appreciate the nurses, nurse practitioners, respiratory therapists, and doctors, and every single member of the cleaning crews, who are going to work in extreme circumstances to help save lives.
I Hope we remain home, so that these caregivers soon have less cases of COVID-19, not more. I Hope when we do go out, it truly is “essential.”
I Hope we are grateful because we do or did have a job, and complain a bit less in the future. I Hope we find purposeful and meaningful work again soon, if your work was lost.
I Hope we pitch in and help those that have lost their jobs.
I Hope we cook more at home, eat at the kitchen table, and wash our own dishes.
I Hope we tip more happily, and I Hope we praise the chefs freely, when we return to our favorite restaurants and bars.
I Hope we say THANK YOU more, not less, to every one of those fellow humans who serve us.
I Hope we allow teachers to teach in the classroom, without helicoptering over our teachers. I Hope we thank them for managing overcrowded classrooms with minimal supplies, day after day, year after year.
I Hope we let our kids learn consequences, both good ones and the bad.
I Hope we teach our kids at home, how to help run and operate a home, manage a budget, cook a meal, change a furnace filter, clean the house, do the laundry, etc.
I Hope we save more, and build an emergency fund, so that we are ready for any future inconvenience.
I Hope we love, teach and care for our children, and not abuse them more.
I Hope we keep taking walks outside with our partners and family.
I Hope we don’t hole up and never trust again.
I Hope we can trust ourselves to make the best decisions, for ourselves, our families and others.
I Hope we further realize how difficult it is to lead, and the deep complexities to it. I Hope we help our leaders become better, with calm feedback.
I Hope we refine our own crafts and trades. I Hope we are more astute entrepreneurs, and become even more in tune with what our clients and customers truly need.
I Hope we continue to wash our hands, even more thoroughly than ever.
I Hope we appreciate our hair stylists and barbers, and give them appropriate tips.
I Hope we keep riding our bikes after dinner, instead of allowing the tires to go flat.
I Hope we keep saying hello to our neighbors on down the street, like we are doing now, while out on walks.
I Hope we always care for our most vulnerable, our seniors and elderly, who have the most wisdom and love to give. They’ve seen it all; I Hope we always listen to them.
I Hope we embrace technology even more, as a way to allow efficiency and ease in to our lives…instead of rejecting it like in the past.
I Hope we keep doing our “Zoom” happy hour meetings and those “House Party” get togethers.
I Hope we appreciate public spaces like parks and golf courses, and pick up after ourselves when we visit them in the future.
I Hope we beam with excitement like never before when we can once again attend all the movies, sporting events, and concerts. I Hope it’s a flipping blast!
I Hope we respect and thank the police, the National Guard, the US Army Corps of Engineers, and security personnel for caring for our needs, and handling the deep, dark horrible acts that continue to happen in our cities during this crisis.
I Hope that we remain thoughtful and caring Global citizens.
I Hope that if we are sick, we will STAY HOME. I Hope we think more deeply about that one decision in the future.
I Hope that we prep a bit better, and have our necessary supplies in our home, so that we don’t rush to the stores and create havoc for grocery and general stores.
I Hope we continue to allow long-haul semi-trucks, Amazon, FedEx, UPS, and the US Mail trucks more room as they travel to deliver OUR goods and products.
I Hope we smile at the garbage and recycle workers, and be grateful they do what they do. I Hope we realize they are picking up our messes, every single day.
I Hope when we travel in the future, we understand and do the research so that we clearly understand the situation where we are headed.
I Hope when we are in airplanes and using public transportation, we have clean hands and our coughs are covered properly. I Hope we say “Bless You” when one sneezes.
I Hope we continue to pray more, and embrace our place of worship and our Lord.
I Hope we love more, selflessly, like our care givers love us under this COVID 19 threat.
I Hope that we can trust again.
As I woke up this morning, I simply said to myself, “I Hope.” Today, April 2, 2020, the USA now has over 200,000 cases of the nearly one million cases of COVID 19 globally, which is two times as many as any other country in the world. And yet I still woke up, saying and thinking, and now writing, “I Hope.” Please, do what you can. Stay home. Stay physically distant from others. Stay deeply connected to those you love. Stay in touch with your people and your families, leveraging the wide variety of technology tools. Stay close with your Lord. – Jen Wilfong 4/2/2020 8am E
April 2 morning prayer: The world presses in on me and defeats me, despite my best efforts, until finally I call on You for help and find You there, just waiting for me to ask. Thank You, Lord, for helping me. Amen.
source: Johns Hopkins COVID 19 Dashboard https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/