In the last 45 days, the opportunity to “Just Go See Them” has come up over and over. What do I mean by “Just Go See Them?” Some very important people in my life have recently faced some very serious health challenges, and I realized in the past, that maybe I was “too busy” to go see and visit friends during these challenging times. That wasn’t going to happen this time around.
A very good friend had survived nearly 10 surgeries in the last couple months. We felt he was nearing the end of his life. So we jumped on a plane, flew to Houston, visited with him (and his wife and daughter). We were able to connect: look at each other, smile, nod, and touch hands. He died the day after we left.
My girlfriend just had some surgery. We allowed her to rest for three weeks. On our drive to see her, we bought some flowers, visited for a couple hours to get all caught up on her healing and squeezed her new puppy. She was full of life again!
One of my best girlfriends was caring for one of her best male friends. He didn’t have many visitors at the hospital. My exhausted, care-taking girlfriend reached out to me for a much-needed lift. I quickly made a stop, picked up some fun items on the clearance aisle, and visited them both in the cardiac- care-unit hospital room. We laughed, we listened, we prayed. Together, that visit made the three of us better and more aware of each other. He is now back at home and working again. She is vacationing with her family. Both full of life.
My parents were at Mayo’s in Minnesota for some medical check-ups. Knowing that this could be some complicated news that would be difficult for my parents to hear, I flew to Minnesota to be with my parents. It was one of those moments that a mother and daughter discuss life, each other’s existence, the next steps, and the potential gameplan. Being there further strengthened our incredible bond as mother and daughter.
In the last 45 days, every single person that I have met is “BUSY.” We all are busy. I was busy. Every one of these precious friends and family members was even busier. But, what I have learned is this: Just Go See Them. It Matters. We All Are Busy. Have No Regrets. Just Go See Them.