365 Coaching Tips: Days 10, 11 & 12

January 10 Coaching Tip: Practice. Yes, I said practice. This week, I had a number of people call me to practice their upcoming crucial conversations or new scripts that they want to utilize in 2025 to help grow their business. In a matter of just a few minutes, confidence grew. One person needed help pulling together their talking points and a timeline for the huge decision they are making to retire in about 18 months; I listened to them as they practiced, and they became more and more confident as they got more clear and organized in their thoughts. Another person needed help with removing exhausting clients who pay very little but take a lot of time; after a few practice conversations, he felt affirmed in what he was saying and was ready to share it with the exhausting clients. As for me, practicing my sprints a couple times a week in helping me build confidence that I can run sprints in my 60’s without getting hurt. So, bottom line: Practice!

January 11 Coaching Tip: Challenge Yourself. It’s amazing what you CAN DO, if you just challenge yourself a bit more. For example, if you only have 15 minutes to get a task done, isn’t it amazing how efficient you can become and get the bulk of the task done? I find this in my life if friends are on their way/close by/gonna drop in for a quick visit. I say yes, and then quickly get stuff picked up and organized a bit more. Also find this now as I’m training for the National Senior Games; my ability to do multiple sprints as a 60 year old is encouraging. Now I’m checking other sprinters’ times, just to see how much quicker I need to be. Challenge yourself, or hire a coach to challenge you and help hold you accountable.

January 12 Coaching Tip. Help Others. The fires in Los Angeles, CA are apocalyptic in nature, and I feel like there is absolutely nothing that I personally can do. And yet there IS something that I can do. After watching closely which organizations were “showing up to help others”, I chose to support the World Central Kitchen. During a time of a disaster of this magnitude, the state of someone’s food, water, and housing security are second to none. Find a way to “help others” (instead of complaining about this or that or pointing the finger at what should have been done or at certain people). We all want angels/people to help us when we are down; so, “help others.” Find your way to help, in your own way.